31 07, 2013

Pollock-Krasner Grant 2013

2018-12-10T18:45:52-05:00July 31st, 2013|Blog|

This morning, I was surprised by a phone call from a gentleman who introduced himself as Charles C. Bergman. He went on to state that he was the CEO and Chairman of the Pollock-Krasner Foundation in Manhattan, and that he was calling to let me know that the Foundation and their Board had reviewed and approved my grant proposal which was submitted last summer.  I was shocked and amazed, and left pretty much speechless.

12 04, 2013

Metagraphs: Digital Drawings

2017-01-14T17:34:51-05:00April 12th, 2013|Blog|

I refer to the body of work represented in this series as Metagraphs. They are selections from an ongoing series of abstract digital drawings begun in 1999 when I was living in New York's East Village on Avenue A. The pieces were created using a graphics tablet and stylus using vector-based graphics software. Vector-based graphics [...]

14 02, 2013

Long Island Creative Individuals Grant

2017-01-14T17:34:52-05:00February 14th, 2013|Blog|

I found out yesterday that I have the honor of being one of four artists in Suffolk county awarded the 2013 Long Island Creative Individuals Grant. The grant is administered by the Huntington Arts Council, and is part of the the NYSCA (New York State Council on the Arts) Decentralization Grant Program. The grant will [...]

10 02, 2013

Shodo: Sumi and Inkjet Works on Paper

2018-10-26T13:40:50-04:00February 10th, 2013|Blog|

  The incorporation of sumi ink into my work began in 2005, while I was working towards my MFA at Bowling Green State University.  A printmaker named Claudio Orso, who was a fellow graduate student, asked me if I had ever worked with sumi ink, and I told him I had not, so he [...]

6 02, 2013

Improbable Forms Interview

2018-11-15T16:55:20-05:00February 6th, 2013|Blog|

A CONVERSATION BETWEEN ARTISTS ELLEN WIENER AND COLIN GOLDBERG REGARDING THE WORKS IN GOLDBERG'S IMPROBABLE FORMS EXHIBITION. May 5, 2013 EW - There seems to be a great disparity between working on a screen and ending up with a painting on a wood panel on the wall- Can you talk about the differences in position [...]

19 12, 2012

The Art Meme

2020-10-13T17:56:29-04:00December 19th, 2012|Blog|

Below is an essay I wrote in Dr. Andrew Hershberger's graduate critical theory class while pursuing my MFA at BGSU in 2005.  Wikipedia defines memetics as such : Memetics is a theory of mental content based on an analogy with Darwinian evolution, originating from the popularization of Richard Dawkins' 1976 book The Selfish Gene. It [...]

4 11, 2011

Stanley William Hayter / Atelier 17

2017-01-14T17:34:53-05:00November 4th, 2011|Blog|

Throughout the years, I have been given recommendations by critics and historians of artists to research whose work has a relationship to my own. Helen Harrison, director of the Pollock-Krasner House in East Hampton, suggested I take a look at the work of Stanley William Hayter (December 27, 1901, London – May 4, 1988, Paris) [...]

22 08, 2011

Vieira Da Silva: A Glimpse of the Future

2017-01-14T17:34:53-05:00August 22nd, 2011|Blog|

Vieira da Silva was a Portugese female painter, who created work which is, in my opinion, exquisite. Her forms are both architectural and organic, and have a distinctly futuristic feel. I discovered her work in a book on 20th century painting that I picked up at a yard sale recently, and began to research her [...]

22 08, 2011

Desmond Paul Henry: Digital Art Pioneer

2017-01-14T17:34:53-05:00August 22nd, 2011|Blog|

Desmond Paul Henry (1921–2004) was one of the pioneers in Computer art. His work looks incredibly contemporary, although it was created with technology that is obsolete by today's standards. When I discovered this artist on Wikipedia, I was amazed at how much his work resonates with my own. He utilized what was called a bombsight [...]

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