Fragile, 1995.
Digital photomontage
Dimensions variable

Rainfire, 1995.
Digital photomontage
Dimensions variable

Core, 1995.
Digital Photomontage
Dimensions variable
A Blast From The Past
As part of my ongoing website redesign project, I have been working on rewriting my artist bio, and was reminiscing about my time living in the East Village of NYC back in the mid 1990’s. During this time, I was commissioned by Earth Day to create the series of digital photomontages pictured above. The occasion was the 25th anniversary of Earth Day, and the artwork was to be used in an 1995 event called the “Giant Earth Projections“, in which environmentally-themed images were projected onto NYC landmarks, including the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge, and Lincoln Center.
Until now, I did not know of any photographic documentation of the event. However, today I randomly decided to do a Google search on ‘”Earth Day” Giant Earth Projections’ and found the video below. It shows ‘Fragile‘ (the digital photomontage work above), projected several hundred feet tall onto the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs building at 2 Columbus Circle.
I was in good company for the event; other artists whose works were selected included Peter Max and Andy Warhol. Sadly, the source files for these commissioned artworks have been lost, unless they turn up on an old floppy disk somewhere.
Giant Earth Projections, 1995. Video: Richard Renda / Totally Cool ®.